Great Golf Shots Start With a Good Grip

Post by Victor Nunn

The successful golfer certainly approaches every shot with meticulous, calculated efficiency. Great golf shots are generally attributed to powerful, rhythmic swings; however, great golf shots are as much a result of the golf setup as they are due to the swing. Of a matter of fact, a successful golf swing is normally unachievable without a decent setup.

The good news is that it is generally easy to master the effective golf setup. The golf setup provides the foundation on which to determine a successful golf swing. Too often, however, golfers love to dismiss the setup and solely practice full golf swings. These are normally the frustrated, tense players you notice “spraying” the golf ball around a golf course or practice range. To be a successful golfer, you must give your setup the attention it deserves. Many dilemmas in golf are simply perceptible to grip, setup or even alignment, so it’s a good idea to master these skills to be on your way to success.

Different styles of grips have four key elements. The first key to a good grip is to have the palms of your hands turned toward each other and the hands square to the objective line. When the palms are turned toward one another, the hands are able to work in unison. When the hands are square to the objective line, they bring the clubhead back to the golf ball, aiming straight at the target. It’s highly advisable to place your hands on the grip end of the golf club, palms turned toward one another and hands square to the objective line. Two knuckles from your target-side hand should be visible as you look down your hands. The Vs formed by thumbs and forefingers should be pointing between your non-target side shoulder and ear.

The second key element is to grip the golf club in the fingers. Start by gripping the golf club with the top, target side hand. If you are right-handed, then this will be your left hand. The grip of the golf club should rest in your fingers and then press diagonally across the palm of the hand. The butt end of the golf club should rest under the fleshy part of the palm of the hand. The left thumb should point down the right center of the golf club shaft.

The third key to an effective grip is to grip the golf club with the middle two fingers of the nontarget-side hand, palm turned toward the line of target. After the target-side hand is firmly holding the golf club, you can bring the other hand under the golf club so that the middle two fingers come to rest against the grip of the club. Close the fingers lightly around the golf club with the palm of the right hand facing the line of target. The thumb rests on the target side of the golf club, not on top of it.

The final key element is to bring the hands together by closing the fleshy part of the lower hand over your thumb of the upper hand. The Vs that are the formed by the forefinger and the thumb of each hand should be angled somewhere between the right shoulder and right ear. From the target-side hand, two knuckies, and from the nontarget-side hand, one knuckle should be visible. This should permit the golf club to return to this very position on the downswing with the clubface square to its target. The grip pressure should be extremely light. You should be able to hold on to the golf club. But the writs should hinge easily and naturally.

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